

What is the Westplex?
While the specific boundaries are up for debate, it is definitely west of St. Louis county.  If you are local, my definition is the west St. Charles, Lincoln, and Montgomery counties.  If geography isn't your strength, the Westplex is outside St. Louis enough to be a separate area but close enough for when big city resources are needed.   

Westplex Running
For now, Westplex Running is about my thoughts and ramblings about running and family life in the Westplex.  Long term, I would like to grow Westplex Running into a hub for a local running community.  If you are in the Westplex area and want to go for a run, just let me know. 

Who am I?
I'm your typical middle aged Dad who struggles to stay in shape.  I'm married to an amazing woman who is on her own quest to complete a half marathon in every state. Married with kids makes for a busy schedule but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  

I caught the runner's bug many years ago but have struggled to keep it a priority through the years.  I've been dreaming of running a marathon for years so it is now time to become a marathoner by running the Go St. Louis Marathon on April 15, 2012.