
Friday, January 6, 2012

Can you see me?

Had to shuffle the schedule a little but still working the plan.  Doubling up today to get back on schedule but should hit 35 miles for the week. 

Most of my running is done either in the early mornings or late evenings so I am often running in the dark  On top of that, most miles are also on rural roads (no sidewalks) where speeding pick ups and wild animals are much more common than street lights.  On my last 6 mile run, I saw:
  • 6 speeding pick ups   
  • 2 speeding non-pick ups
  • 3 dead possums 
  • 4 things (larger than rabbits, smaller than zombies) jumping into the fields
I have always worried about being seen at night but have never found a good solution until now.  I have tried reflective clothing, flashlights, headlights, and combinations of the three.  Reflective clothing is good but it doesn't help me see and I run into pot-holes.  Flashlights are just plain annoying.  Headlights are ok but the light seems to bounce and I have to turn my head to see. 

The ultimate solution includes reflective clothing and Knuckle Lights.  There is nothing better than seeing those speeding pick ups move into the other lane way before they reach me or pointing a light into the field to see the coyote eating dinner.  I've even had drivers stop and ask what I was running with and where they could get some.

Knuckle Lights are one of those "wish I thought of that" ideas.  I found it through other bloggers and have not seen a bad review yet.  The lights wrap around your fingers which gives you the ability to either keep the lights in front of you or point one into the woods to see what is coming your way.  The lights are a broad spectrum LED so there is not a lot of motion when you move your arms.  They only weigh a few ounces so it does not impact your form and you are not really aware of them. 

On top of a great product is a great company.  My experience with Knuckle Lights has been fantastic and they have superior customer service and stand behind their product.

My only complaint with the product is that I wish they were rechargeable.  I would love to be able to plug them in so I know the lights are always ready to go.  That said, batteries do last a long time so it is not a deal breaker.  Knuckle Lights are with me on every night run and my quest for a lighting solution is complete. 

I have seen them locally at Fleet Feet in STL but you can also pick them up at Knuckle Lights. For the record, I bought my lights and have not received anything for the review.  

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